

Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head, 2nd Edition by Carla Hannaford

A User’s Guide to the Brain by John J. Ratey

Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin

Radical Healing by Rudolph Ballantine

Job’s Body by Dean Juhan

Sensitive Chaos by Theodor Schwenk

The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker & Gary Selden

The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge, MD



Wake Up Now by Stephan Bodian

The Enlightenment Process by Judith Blackstone

Emptiness Dancing by AdyaShanti

Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing by Jed McKenna

Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment by Jed McKenna

Spiritual Warfare by Jed McKenna

I Am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj

Awakening the Shakti by Sally Kempton

Spiritual Initiation and the Breakthrough of Consciousness: The Bond of Power by Joseph Chilton Pearce



Sensing, Feeling and Action by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Basic Neurocellular Patterns by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Wisdom of the Body Moving by Linda Hartley

Yoga Anatomy by Amy Matthews

How Life Moves by Caryn Mchose and Kevin Frank

The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge

The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker & Gary Selden

The Spark in the Machine by Daniel Keown



Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart by Mark Epstein

Self Come to Mind by Antonio Damasio

Radical Healing by Rudolph Ballantine

Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson

Getting in Touch by Christine Caldwell

Molecules of Emotion by Candace Perk

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

No Bad Parts by Dick Schwartz



Strategic Intuition: The Creative Spark in Human Achievement by William Duggan
Yoga and the Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope
A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber
Desire by Daniel Odier
Yoga Spandakarika by Daniel Odier
Enthusiasm by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama
Play of Consciousness by Swami Muktananda
Tantric Quest by Daniel Odier
Where Are You Going? by Swami Muktananda
Yoga Matrix by Richard Freeman
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chodron
Science and the Akashic Field by Ervin Laszlo
Sapiens by Yuvol Harari
The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler